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Connection to an EFTPOS Terminal

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It will be awesome if we can find a worldwide alternative but if there is a solution only works for Australia implementing it will be a good idea too.

If it communicates over a COM port, it should be pretty easy to load up some software that's integrated already, do a few test transactions while logging the port, then reverse engineer the API.  Unless of course there's some kind of encryption, which I seriously doubt. 

Seems so much easier to use the internet gateways though, and they tend to be cheaper atleast in the US. 

It would also be pretty cool to build a small iphone/ipad app that talks to sambapos and allows the customer to select the tip and sign, similiar to the wireless pinpads I see in europe.  It would also be much more user friendly.  I started playing with this idea a couple months ago, and exposed some services from sambapos via web services, so you could have the following workflow for in-house dining credit card settlement: 

1.  Customer wants to pay by credit card. Cashier grabs iphone, enters the sambapos ticket number, swipes the card and hands the iphone (or ipad or ipod touch) to the customer. 
2.  The iphone shows the bill and a scroll wheel for the customer to select the gratuity percentage.
3.  Customer clicks ok, enters pin-code and or signs with finger on the device. 
4.  iphone app updates the sambapos ticket to reflect payment and adds any gratuity. 


Anthony these are great features. For V3 I planned creating a rest api for SambaPOS for easily implementing these. I think you thought the same thing. If you are interested you can take a look at http://www.servicestack.net/ for the framework I'm planing to use. I'll be happy if you can share your ideas about it. Thanks.

I have no experience with these terminals; can you please explain something about these terminals?


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