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2.84 Issues

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I like your way better  :)


Thanks :)

Thanks Edgar.

Now, the only problem I can see is the modifier name. We don't want to use 'extras' as a modifier name because there will be different modifiers that will be 'extras'. And we don't want 'Sandwich Extras' listed under the master product - too messy/busy on the screen.

So maybe we need a modifier name (which we have) then also a screen/print name.

For example,

Modifier name: Sandwich Extras
Screen name: Extras

Modifier name: Steak Sandwich Extras
Screen name: Extras

This way the modifiers stay separate but group the same under their master product when taking orders, or printing the kitchen tickets.

Hi John,
I think modifier names are created by each user to group items, however the modifiers are described

I wonder if the ticket should show items under the modifier heading for clarity?


I'm not sure what you mean Edgar.

--- Quote from: JohnSCS on January 28, 2012, 06:34:41 am ---Sandwich 2.90
* Main - Ham
* Extra - Ham 0.70
* Fillings - Tomato
              - Lettuce
              - ETC

--- End quote ---

By using my example, you would have a modifier group called 'Sandwich Extras -Paid' (because each modifier needs a unique name), but you wouldn't want that showing up above - you would want 'Extras' to show. Same for 'Sandwich Fillings', you just need 'Fillings'.

Sorry John,
What I meant was user generated modifier names. yes you are right, sorry  :)


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