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Menu Category Properties



By selecting Sort Type -> TopItems in Menu -> Edit Category I assume that instead of listing products by their order, it lists the products by sales, ie highest selling product first, then second highest, etc.

Except I can't get it to work - see my settings attached for Packaged Beer. The circled item is the top selling product.

I have tags set to break the products into two groups.

When you tag all items in a category all buttons will go under a sub category and the main category remains blank. When that happens instead of showing nothing SambaPOS will display 12 top selling items (Max Items value) from entire category. Sale counts re-calculates when work period ends so for ordering items properly you'll need to start a new work period.


--- Quote from: emre on January 29, 2012, 08:50:58 am ---Sale counts re-calculates when work period ends so for ordering items properly you'll need to start a new work period.

--- End quote ---

That's what I needed to know.

Normally we would have items in a specific order, but for sub menus, it makes sense to use TopItems to list top selling products for quick selection.

I am putting together screen shots of various pages to help demonstrate these features.


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