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Custom Module, Credit Card processing using Samba

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I've been using sambapos for the last 4 months in my restaurant in NYC.  It's incredibly stable, and pretty much does everything I need, except credit card processing.  In the US, most POS systems are integrated with merchant CC gateways, which makes transactions seamless and reduces errors. 

I posted a while back on this topic, and I know Emre you thought this was not something you were interested in implementing for the immediate future.  However, I'd like to take a stab at it myself, and of course donate the source code to the community. 

1.  Given the current architecture (2.xx), it seems best that I write in a new C# solution, so I don't need to worry about upgrades in the future.  The dev team can then consider if they want to integrate or not.  Any thoughts on this?

2.  If you agree with #1, I have an issue I hope you can help me solve.  I'd like the settlement screen (ticket payment)  to drive the transaction, so when a cashier presses the Credit button it will open a screen to capture the card details.  Is there a way (maybe through messaging server) I could get an event when that happens?  Ideally, that event would contain a reference to the ticket number and the amount the cashier typed before pressing credit. 

Many thanks in advance for your response and your awesome software!

Hey Anthony we missed you a lot ! Maybe you misunderstood me because I only wanted to state it is not something used in Turkey so I don't have much experience about the merchant integration and the PCI Compliance. If you can help us implementing a proper solution of course I'll appreciate it and help you with the SambaPOS integration.

OK. nevermind.. If it will be useful I can inject a dummy cc processor library on cc payment process and you'll have an idea about the integration. If you want you can also directly implement processing in that library. What do you think about it?

Footnote: You forgot sending installation photos :)

Emre -- likewise!  I was just thinking this morning that what you and your team have built is very very cool.  Not just the software, but really the community around it.   You've really brought together a community of people with interest in business, finance and hospitality from all over the world, working together to make something that's already great even better! 

The custom install I talked about earlier never happened.  I planned to fit a touch screen (without the case) into the bar directly, but I went through 3 touch screens and none of them worked.  I ended up buying a standard touch screen instead, easier but not as cool!  You can check out photos of the restaurant, and the custom bar, if you want at glowthai.com

Your idea about the dummy cc processor library is perfect.  If you do that, I'll write the integration to paynet systems, a merchant gateway in the US.  They use a standard API which could be leveraged across a number of payment gateways.  In this case I'm even happier that I can contribute something useful to you guys. 

Awesome! I'll try to implement something tomorrow.
Thank you for the nice words. I believe we'll make lots of awesome things together.
When I first heard that custom bar project really excited me, I'm sorry to hear you had to cancel that. I hope you'll find another solution.
I visited the FB page.. Really cool atmosphere and dishes looks delicious. I also saw SambaPOS screen there. Very nice :)

Cool, can't wait to get the update so I can start. 

On the bar, I may be getting some old touch screens from a friend.  You've motivated me to revisit the custom POS integration.  So many cool projects, so little time. 


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