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Custom Module, Credit Card processing using Samba

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We're on the same page in terms of workflow and where to store the cc details.  The swiped card data can be pretty large, and I'd rather not parse it if I don't have to, but a SecureString should be fine. 

Since this is API based, maybe looking at payment addons used with oscommerce web based shopping cart may help with integration with different merchants.

In the UK we use chip and pin devices {my brother is a cash only business).
Also all the card numbers except the last four are replace by *

ie on receipt,  card number **** **** **** 1234


I'm investigating a system to connect the EFTPOS terminal to SamaPOS. SambaPOS will send the total to the EFTPOS terminal, then swipe the card and enter pin or sign. Confirmation is sent back to SambaPOS and the EFT receipt can then be added into the POS receipt. The system also supports Merchant Gateways and multiple EFTPOS terminals.

This is an Australian product, if you don't want the Merchant Gateways then it should work worldwide with most EFTPOS terminals.

Anthony I improved External Processor as we talked and submitted latest sources. I'll be happy if you can have a look and let me know your questions / suggestions..


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