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Printing Customer Notes


A question was asked today on how to save a customers favorite order for future reference, and show the order next time.

So we store the order in Customer Note and create a printer template and print job and trigger the print job when a customer is selected to print out the Customer Note. That was easy, but I get a crash error when I print notes for a customer that does not have any notes - this is because of setting ACCNOTE to Null.

Effectively the rule needs to be
- Event Name: Customer Selected for Ticket
- Conditions : Customer Note != NULL
- Action : Update Settings - ACCNOTE = [CustomerNote]        //Need this due to printer templates not having {ACC NOTE} tag
- Action : Execute Print Job - Customer Note

My only way around this was to set Customer Note ? <SPACE> <--- A single space

Is there a NULL or Blank condition value for empty fields ?

Part two to this was I wanted to copy the Customer Notes to the Ticket Notes. How can I do this ?

John this should be a bug. It shouldn't crash with null strings. I'll check it.
In fact we can test empty values but I should find a simpler solution. As you know we remove unused conditions from conditions list. When you enter a value and clear it that condition will remain in conditions list and it will test empty values... Not a good solution because we need to re-assign event for changing condition values. I'll fix that.

For the record : {ACC NOTE} Added.


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