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No system is ever perfect, but what got my interest in SambaPOS was the features, the fresh approach, and the fact that it is always evolving due to user feedback from users like yourself.
If it can't be fixed easily in V2, then the team will look at what can be done for V3 of SambaPOS.

The way the print jobs work is that you can print multiple tickets, but each ticket needs to print different information.
For example I will use the Kitchen Order Tickets to explain.
You will have one print job to print orders to the kitchen. But you may want separate tickets for entrees, mains and desserts.
So for the first printer mapping you select entrees for product group, the kitchen printer and the kitchen order template.
For the second printer mapping you select mains for product group, the kitchen printer again and the kitchen order template yet again.
And so on.
Your last printer mapping should always use * to print anything that is left, so nothing is missed - unless you are sure you have covered all groups. But think of it as insurance.

As you print data on a ticket, it is no longer available to print on other tickets within that print job - stops double printing. Hence why you could only get the first mapping to work.

So to setup your scenario, you need two print jobs, and two printer templates (if you want the layout different).
One print job called "Invoice", the other called "Receipt" (also use these names for the Button Header field, and tick Display at POS Screen & Display at Payment Screen to show these buttons) - To quickly duplicate the print job, right click the first print job and select Clone Print Job.
Select Printing Content - All Lines and set Auto Print After Ticket Paid and select the Payment Types you want it to print for.
Set your printer mappings - both print jobs will use the same printer and you can use the same printer template.

Remember to add the new print job to the Terminal, log out and log back in and it should work.

Thanks John!

Actually, I already did those things.
Make 2 Templates and make 2 print job with all the mapping for the print.
The only thing that I forgot and I don't know that I have to do is to add the new print job to the terminal  :P
No wonder my new icon and the new print job never work. DOH!
Sorry for my stupidity!

Thank you very much for your help John!



--- Quote from: oda on February 03, 2012, 09:01:39 am ---No wonder my new icon and the new print job never work. DOH!
Sorry for my stupidity!

--- End quote ---

Your not alone.

After setting up a new system today and not being able print to a network printer, I realized that I forgot to add the print job to the terminal.
Still didn't work ???

I also forgot to set the Terminal Name in Local Settings to the right one  :o

To think that it was just me :)

Anyway, after playing with samba pos for a week now, I'm very glad that I did.
This is by far the most user friendly interface to use it, and pretty easy to set up if you can browse the forum :D
Like you said, the advantage of samba pos that it is evolving not like some others pos program.
I can't imagine what you guys will do for V.3!
For now, I'm very happy already with V.2!

Thank you again for you and all the SAMBA POS team!



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