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how can i connect phone line to the program (caller-id)


I would like to use the Caller-id identification in the program, so i connected the phone line to modem (windows 7) but the message didn't fade away, and i couldn't receive caller-id in the program, the pop up message was " install the hardware driver to enable the caller-id"
my question is: what driver, and how?

Our caller id library supports a widely used USB CallerID Box Called CID-Show in our country and the driver SambaPOS asking is the driver of this hardware. I think this hardware based on no-name China Made boards so I don't know if this driver is compatible with other hardware or not.

We dont have this in out country, I'll try to replace it with YAC server, what do you think about that?

I've never used YAC before. Does it work with Caller-ID modems? If it works with modems alternatively you can listen modem calls with TAPI library.

You can duplicate CidMonitor module with a different name and modify it for YAC.

Hi Emre,
I found a usb caller id device on the internet I was Just wondering if itwould be compatible with sambapos


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