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Print Jobs Based on Users

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I have a puzzle to solve.

The Restaurant & Bar Departments can cross sell. Each Department has their own User - named after the Department - Restaurant & Bar.

We want all Restaurant Orders to go to the Kitchen Printer - that's easy, set Restaurant as Department in Print Job.
But, I need a Bar Order to print to a Bar printer only when the Restaurant orders drinks against a Table.

So I have added the bar Department to the Kitchen Orders Print Job, and selected the Bar Printer & Template (Just to test that the orders are going to the right printer)

All print OK if no tables are selected - regular cash sales.
If I select a Table and order from the Restaurant - all OK.
If I then change Department to Bar, select a Table, pick a Bar item and close the ticket - the order prints on the Kitchen Printer. If I pick a Bar item again then select a Table - then it prints to the Bar Printer.

Now, if I go back to the Restaurant, and order more, it prints to the Bar Printer, and continues to then print to the Bar Printer for that current Table.

Even if I use separate print jobs, this still happens.

Now I'm confused  :-[

It is definitely only an issue when using Tables.

Part 2 - I actually only need the Bar Orders to go to the Bar Printer if it is ordered by the Restaurant user - Do we need a User in the printer mappings for the print jobs?

We store department id on ticket and use that department information while printing from any department. If users are not dedicated to departments like your situation this feature is useful. Department Id sets to active department when you create a ticket or change ticket table.

Print jobs supports filtering maps by ticket tags. Instead of department information can we use that?

My first thought was to use ticket tags, and that's when I started having the above issues, so I tried to simplify the setup. Because we have many different product groups for both departments, using product group is too messy.

Ticket tags are assigned to a ticket not an order, so once set, we can only print to one printer, unless we try to remove the ticket tag when they switch departments.

What we need is
- All restaurant orders to print to kitchen printer - no matter what user enters an order
- Only bar orders to print to bar printer when the restaurant user enters a bar order

I'll try again later today. Now that I have had some sleep I may be able to think clearer.


--- Quote ---- All restaurant orders to print to kitchen printer - no matter what user enters an order
- Only bar orders to print to bar printer when the restaurant user enters a bar order
--- End quote ---

Couldn't get the logic here. With bar orders do you mean bar department or bar products?

- Restaurant products are only available in Restaurant Department
- Bar products only available in Bar Department
- Users can access both departments

I need orders created (and assigned to a table) in the Bar Department to print to a bar printer only for Restaurant users.

The logic here is that the Restaurant is physically away from the main bar, and if a restaurant guest wants a drink (instead of walking to the main bar and getting it them self), the restaurant staff can enter the order in the Bar Department, it prints an order ticket at the Bar. The Bar staff gather the order and deliver to the Restaurant Table.


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