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Have you found a solution for this yet?

I'm only asking as we are 2 weeks from going live with a 3 terminal site (1x Restaurant & 2x Bar)

John, Your request perfectly fits to your situation but for other type of businesses that difference between sales an income amounts might create questions. I think we should leave it as is.

One solution I can think is using product tags. I can add a section in WPR for displaying sales grouped by product tags. Since you don't have shared products between departments you can tag all products as "Bar Item" or "Restaurant Item" and these amounts might help identifying cross sales. If it helps I can include mapping by product tags in printer mapping too.

The problem is that the Department Sales match the Department Income. Which is fine if a user can only run in one department - which is usually the case.

Sales should always reflect the total products sold for that department - never income received.
Income should always reflect the total payments received by that department - never sales made.
User sales shows the performance of a user, and the total of all users should equal total income. Because a user can move between departments, you can not accurately use them for tracking sales and/or incomes - it has to be by departments.

Even if you own the whole business, you still need department breakdowns by sales & income. The way it currently is, you will never balance the cash drawers within a department - you have to balance the site.

I don't think product tags are the answer (but they will help). I think it is the way the report is generated is the issue.

There are only two scenarios.
1. Sales solely within one department
2. Cross selling between departments.

If you don't cross sell, then there is no issue with the reports.
If you do cross sell, then you need to track why the Bar cash drawer is down compared to the report, and why the Restaurant cash drawer is up.

--- Quote from: emre on February 21, 2012, 08:04:44 am ---John, Your request perfectly fits to your situation but for other type of businesses that difference between sales an income amounts might create questions. I think we should leave it as is.

--- End quote ---

If businesses are cross selling like our situation, then I think they will have the same issues as me.
I think it is the logic in the report calculations that are the issue - and it only shows up in my situation.
I have discussed this with a couple of managers, and they can not understand the calculations.

Simply put - I think there is an error in the WPR calculations when a ticket has products from more than one department.

John.. :) You are in the middle of the problem, you talk to people and you have a solution. But I'm thousands of miles away from it and I need to satisfy myself about if I'm understanding the problem right and if the solution really solves it. While trying to simulate your setup by myself I realized what SambaPOS permits is really amazing. But that was something that I never experienced before. Generally our real life users have a single menu for all departments but different seat plans. Some of them have different menus too but they have cross selling items in both menus. Every drink orders goes to bar printer but this is not something considered as cross sale. If we sell a beer from bar it is a bar sale and if we sell a beer from restaurant it is a restaurant sale. For this reason what I'm understanding from "Cross Sale" at first was different from your intention because of my past experiences. But now I can guess your setup. I think you have separated menus for multiple departments but a single seat plan and most probably your Bar department is a fast food department with a location button.

Yes I understand things slowly but at least I can do that :) Now after understanding the problem lets talk about the solution.

* We can't fix departments to user role department. Think of a user who both collects bills and also receives phone orders. He switches frequently between restaurant and delivery departments and he wants to see department amounts separated.
* When we have more than two departments we won't be able to calculate cross sales by comparing sales and income amounts.
* Even thinking about half payments hurts my brain. I'm sitting with a friend at restaurant. He pays the half, I leave the ticket open and walk to bar. I pay the rest at bar. (Is there any other software that can handle that without splitting tickets?)

But no worries.. I believe I'll be able to solve that soon :) As always, thank you very much for helping me on this. Every piece of work makes us better.

I have still things to do but you can test if it fits for your needs or not.

We have department selection on terminal settings for fixing department.


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