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Print Jobs Based on Users

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You have a copy of my database it sent you before about the Ticket Tag issues and WPR.
I have 2 departments and 2 menus. One menu for each department, but users can change department and tables are shared between departments (which is what we want so all sales are captured and nothing gets missed)

I will test 2.87 shortly.

People say you can not misunderstand a written document - but what they don't realize is that people can interpret it in different ways because we all think differently about the same situations. This is why I prefer showing problems by example as you can see what I am doing and then explain why I do it that way.

You designed SambaPOS to do specific functions based on your requirements, and therefore you work to a designed rule set and workflow. I on the other hand don't have these limitations (and that is not meant as a bad thing) so I push SambaPOS to it's limits by testing it's capability in different scenarios which you may or may not have ever considered.

Whether you realized this or not, you have not created just another POS system, you have created a whole new POS solution - you are running outside of the "POS Box" so to speak, and a not limiting yourself to what other POS Systems do.

SambaPOS is so unique because of this, and so much better. Most people look for a POS System that fits their business. You have created a POS Solution that is so flexible that it can fit any business.

I believe that SambaPOS is going to be so powerful, that other POS developers will start to look to SambaPOS for ideas on how to improve their software.

If I was you, I would start registering design patents to protect your unique features in the future.


2.87 just adds more confusion as it shows all bar sales ($26.90) as Cross Sales, when it should only be $14.00. See Attached.

I will also email my currently database to info@sambapos.org so you can use it for testing.

Lets do a controlled example with my database.

- Start a new work period.
- Login as Restaurant User (9999)
- Make a Restaurant department sale and settle
- Login as Bar User (1111)
- Make a Bar department sale and settle
- Check that WPR is showing correct totals - Sales & Incomes should match in each department.
- Login as Restaurant User (9999)
- Make a Restaurant sale and close ticket
- Change to Bar department, make a sale and select the open table to merge tickets and add drinks to Restaurant ticket.
- Change to Restaurant department, select open ticket and settle
- Check WPR - Bar sales & income are too high as second Restaurant ticket has been added to Bar sales & income.

Hello John while uploading test setup I had little time so I gave little instruction about he solution.

First of all we need to dedicate a terminal to a department because SambaPOS needs to know the base department. We can do it by adding a Bar Terminal and choosing bar department for this terminal. We'll do the same for restaurant terminal and update local settings. For this reason we can't test it on a singe terminal by only switching users. We need to change terminal department too.

Let's create an example on your data:
I logged in with 1234 and selected POS01 terminal from local settings. To simulate Restaurant terminal I'll select Restaurant for POS01 terminal.

I'll sell 1 Garlic (5,50) to R01 table. WPR seem fine.
I'll switch to bar menu, open R01 table and sell 1 Jug Heavy (13,80) The ticket total is 19,30
Now WPR shows 19,30 for restaurant sale since all items sold from restaurant. But a new section appeared under sales section which shows Cross Sales. That shows 5,50 of 19,30 is Restaurant sale but 13,80 of it is Bar Sale. If Customer pays on restaurant we should pass 13,80 to Bar. Whatever user does sales on this terminal all sales will go to restaurant department on top section but cross sales from other departments will listed under bold Restaurant title.. User department is only effective for the active screen when we click on "POS" button. Settle ticket and see how WPR displays it.

Now change terminal department to bar and logoff login again. (or we can set P02 terminal to bar and start two sambapos with different local settings) Now sell one "Jug Lite (12,50)" and settle it with cash. Now we sold 31,80. Things sold from restaurant is 19,30 and things sold from Bar is 12,50. But cross sales reports shows 13,80 of 19,30 is cross sale so restaurant will pay 13,80 to bar department...

Now we'll try something different. Switch back to restaurant department and sell one Jug Post($11,00) to R02 table. Now Restaurant Sales increased to 30,30 and the amount we need to pay to Bar increased to $24.80. Is it true? It is true if customer pays amount at bar but if he walks away to bar and orders one more Jug Post and pay everything at bar what will happen? Lets try. We need to switch terminal to bar and login again.

I this case adding items to a restaurant table from bar is not logical. So we'll move table to F01 for simulating a seat change. (I'll disallow settlement when there is a terminal department and user tries to settle ticket from another department) You'll see Restaurant cross sale amount decreased from $24.80 to $13,80 back since customer paid bar item at bar. This is the key point because you won't be able find $13,80 by comparing sale and income amounts if there are three departments. For this reason cross sale part is useful.

Now I'll finish my implementation and create another test release.

I uploaded final solution. Let me know if something not working as expected.


--- Quote from: JohnSCS on February 22, 2012, 07:19:44 pm ---Lets do a controlled example with my database.

- Start a new work period.
- Login as Restaurant User (9999)
- Make a Restaurant department sale and settle
- Login as Bar User (1111)
- Make a Bar department sale and settle
- Check that WPR is showing correct totals - Sales & Incomes should match in each department.
- Login as Restaurant User (9999)
- Make a Restaurant sale and close ticket
- Change to Bar department, make a sale and select the open table to merge tickets and add drinks to Restaurant ticket.
- Change to Restaurant department, select open ticket and settle
- Check WPR - Bar sales & income are too high as second Restaurant ticket has been added to Bar sales & income.

--- End quote ---

Try my example, and make substantial purchases in the Restaurant.

You will see that Bar sales & income are too high for the transactions.


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