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Print Jobs Based on Users

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OK. I set restaurant department for POS01 terminal and selected it from Local Settings. Logged out...
* Logged with 9999
* Sold 1 Garlic (5,5) and settled it.
* Logged with 1111
* Sold 1 Jug Heavy (13,80)
* Logged with 9999
* Sold 1 more Garlic (5,5) to R01 table, left it open.
* Changed to bar Selected Jug Heavy (13,80), Merged it with restaurant table, clicked open table, clicked R10, added one more Jug Heavy (13,80) Closed ticket, switched back to restaurant, clicked to table again and settled it.

Now we sold 3 Jug Heavy and 2 Garlic. Total should be 41,4 + 11 = 52,4. Let's see WPR. I logged out and logged in with 1234 pin.

This is what I'm getting :

How are you setting a department to a terminal? It's the user that sets the department.

To be able to detect cross sales we need to know both the active department and the physical department. In your example "restaurant" is the physical (fixed) department and we switched the active department between restaurant and bar. We can't determine physical department from user login because it breaks "single user works on multiple departments" case. So we are reading physical department from terminal - if set...


I found where to set the terminal department - Manage -> Settings -> Terminals

The cross sales totals needs to be better designed, because most users will have problems understanding it as it lists actual sales and what is owed to the other department - which both added equals the sales total above it and equals the income. Technically you have two sales figures that don't equal each other, but then you have sales equaling income, which makes sales redundant.

As it is with 2.87, Cross Selling works correctly with the WPR, and it can be managed, but this is a supervisor only report - most general users will make errors reading the WPR.

Maybe we need

Restaurant Income $xx.xx
Restaurant Gross Sales $xx.xx
 - Restaurant Sales $x.xx
 - Bar Cross Sales $x.xx

Bar Income $xx.xx
Bar Gross Sales $xx.xx
 - Bar Sales $x.xx
 - Restaurant Cross Sales $x.xx

But gross sales still equals income, and therefore makes gross sales redundant.

--- Quote from: emre on February 22, 2012, 02:14:01 pm ---But that was something that I never experienced before. Generally our real life users have a single menu for all departments but different seat plans. Some of them have different menus too but they have cross selling items in both menus. Every drink orders goes to bar printer but this is not something considered as cross sale. If we sell a beer from bar it is a bar sale and if we sell a beer from restaurant it is a restaurant sale.

--- End quote ---

This is where my situation is vastly different from yours. Because you do not cross sell between departments, but rather duplicate items in both, you don't actually cross sell and therefore your sales will equal your income.
When we cross sell we are actually selling someone else's stock and therefore owe them money for those products.

In saying that I still believe that Sales should be the departments actual sales not including cross sell products, the under Cross Sales we should have
Restaurant owes Bar          $xx.xx
When you add Cross Sales to Sales you get Restaurant Income (cash in drawer)
If you do not cross sell like we do, then Sales will always equal Income and you will not see Cross Sales totals.

It's not that your logical is wrong (it's more likely my explanations aren't that good), it's just different to our way of doing business. Therefore our way of reading the WPR is different.

It's like if you outsource a part of a project to a specialist programmer. You don't include that cost in your own internal costs, but list it as 3rd party contractor, which is added to your costs to get the total project cost.


--- Quote from: JohnSCS on February 24, 2012, 05:37:02 am ---Maybe we need

Restaurant Income $xx.xx
Restaurant Gross Sales $xx.xx
 - Restaurant Sales $x.xx
 - Bar Cross Sales $x.xx

Bar Income $xx.xx
Bar Gross Sales $xx.xx
 - Bar Sales $x.xx
 - Restaurant Cross Sales $x.xx

--- End quote ---

Yes that's great.
Most probably I've used reporting terms wrong and that creates a confusion between us.

What I mean with income is payment totals. Yes at the end of the day Income will be equal to sales but if we create a snapshot report in the middle of the day Income totals will not contain non-paid sales and they will be different. So I think Income value is redundant here. Income amounts can stay on it's current location and we can use Gross Sales instead. I liked how you organized amounts. When we do that, top sales section will become redundant too and we can hide it if we display cross sales report. So we can name Cross Sales report as Sales report :) Hmm.. I think it will be same as the current sales report but it will contain department specific sales and cross sales and in detail.

Side note: Matching income and sales numbers is important for me because we calculate them from different sources by different methods and that match is a kind of data integrity proof. At the end of a day detailed item sales total, WPR sales total and income total should always match. This is the most easy way of testing a restaurant application if it does calculations correct or not. Believe me there are lots of programs even they can't match these three numbers because of discounts, taxes or similar detailed calculations.


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