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I'm sure I'm really understanding something wrong about your setup. I couldn't understand how bar terminal creates a table ticket.. Is it a restaurant customer or bar customer? If he is sitting at restaurant, how he gives his orders at bar? If he is sitting at bar why he orders to a restaurant table?

If a bar customer moves to a restaurant table without paying his previous bar ticket, restaurant user will switch to bar screen, find his ticket, move it to a table and go on... Restaurant user will do that because restaurant user knows where customer sits. If he goes back to bar without paying to restaurant, this time bar user will click all tickets, find his table ticket and do what needed...

That settlement issue will only prevent restaurant users from settling bar tickets before moving it to a table. I don't know why bar customers wants to pay at restaurant without sitting there?

Update: If I display all tickets to all departments some of our users will complain because of seeing unpaid delivery tickets next to table tickets. Should we really display all open tickets to all departments? Maybe you are dealing with a different issue that we are not talking about. Why you need to see all tickets when there is no department type selected? Where are you using it?

I think I understood your problem. There is a little trick that might be useful for bar terminal. You can close tickets at fast food screen without payments by tagging them with a ticket tag. Create a ticket tag button named "Seat", add a single tag value as "Seat" and assign it to "Bar" department. After restart you'll see the "Seat" button at fast food screen. If bar user needs to leave ticket open he'll click at "Seat" button and the "Close" button will appear :) Or you can configure tag for automatically closing ticket.

Clicking Seat button when there is no open ticket will display all tickets tagged as "Seat" too.


--- Quote ---I'm sure I'm really understanding something wrong about your setup. I couldn't understand how bar terminal creates a table ticket.. Is it a restaurant customer or bar customer? If he is sitting at restaurant, how he gives his orders at bar? If he is sitting at bar why he orders to a restaurant table?

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Customer may go to the Bar and get drinks after they have been seated in the Restaurant but before they have ordered.

--- Quote ---If a bar customer moves to a restaurant table without paying his previous bar ticket, restaurant user will switch to bar screen, find his ticket, move it to a table and go on... Restaurant user will do that because restaurant user knows where customer sits. If he goes back to bar without paying to restaurant, this time bar user will click all tickets, find his table ticket and do what needed...

--- End quote ---
All Tickets is only available for Fast Food department type - which is fine but you can't close a ticket in this type, it has to be assigned to a table or customer. This will probably be the way it will run as we done want open tickets without a table or customer assigned.

--- Quote ---That settlement issue will only prevent restaurant users from settling bar tickets before moving it to a table. I don't know why bar customers wants to pay at restaurant without sitting there?

--- End quote ---
During restaurant hours, the Bar can not serve coffee, tea or snacks, therefore they must order from the Restaurant, and they may pay for all drinks and sit in the lounge. Some customers will be allowed to run tabs, and this is where flexibility comes in.

--- Quote ---Maybe you are dealing with a different issue that we are not talking about. Why you need to see all tickets when there is no department type selected? Where are you using it?

--- End quote ---
No department type allows closing of tickets which is handy for 2 or 3 staff using one terminal as tickets can be suspended so other sales can be processed, then the suspended ticket is selected and sale completed.

--- Quote ---Update: If I display all tickets to all departments some of our users will complain because of seeing unpaid delivery tickets next to table tickets.

--- End quote ---
Yes, and this is where I needed to know if it was by design or not. And it is - so that's OK.


--- Quote from: emre on February 26, 2012, 08:07:37 am ---I think I understood your problem. There is a little trick that might be useful for bar terminal. You can close tickets at fast food screen without payments by tagging them with a ticket tag. Create a ticket tag button named "Seat", add a single tag value as "Seat" and assign it to "Bar" department. After restart you'll see the "Seat" button at fast food screen. If bar user needs to leave ticket open he'll click at "Seat" button and the "Close" button will appear :) Or you can configure tag for automatically closing ticket.

Clicking Seat button when there is no open ticket will display all tickets tagged as "Seat" too.

--- End quote ---

And there is the workaround :)
Thank you.

John I've noticed restaurant user won't be able to see tagged tickets by switching to bar menu and clicking 'Seat' button. He still can use "All Tickets" button but I'll fix that too.


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