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Print Jobs Based on Users

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--- Quote from: emre on February 27, 2012, 06:18:03 am ---A single printjob should work too. First map line for Bar department and a second one for the rest.

--- End quote ---


That's what I thought, but the department in the printer mapping is the active department, not the physical department. On a Restaurant terminal, to print a Bar order from the Bar menu the department in printer mapping is Bar - which means all Bar terminals will print Bar orders too.

I actually typed all this up ready to post, but decided not to as separate print jobs fixed the problem.

If you change the department print mapping to physical, then you need to list all of the product groups to print - too messy.
The other option is to add Terminal Name to the printer mapping which will replace the need for two print jobs.

What we have now is two simple print jobs that work.

Last note: It might seem weird at first but I intentionally right aligned all sub titles over numbers for easier reading.

That makes sense. It just looks out of place compared to the rest of the layout.

Maybe a blank line above it may look better.


--- Quote from: JohnSCS on February 27, 2012, 06:51:17 am ---
--- Quote from: emre on February 27, 2012, 06:18:03 am ---A single printjob should work too. First map line for Bar department and a second one for the rest.

--- End quote ---


That's what I thought, but the department in the printer mapping is the active department, not the physical department. On a Restaurant terminal, to print a Bar order from the Bar menu the department in printer mapping is Bar - which means all Bar terminals will print Bar orders too.

--- End quote ---

hmm... doesn't direct bar orders prints? Yes, not needed :)
Since we'll create a separate terminal setting for bar, alternatively we can remove print job from bar terminal.


--- Quote from: JohnSCS on February 27, 2012, 07:04:25 am ---That makes sense. It just looks out of place compared to the rest of the layout.

Maybe a blank line above it may look better.

--- End quote ---

I tried it before but adding blank line creates longer prints and people said it wastes paper :) It will look fine on thermal print. If not we can think different solutions.


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