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Have you ever printed a 'Z' tape from a cash register  ??? Some are 2mtrs long.

One extra line on a printout 60+ lines long is kinda trivial. I will take a nice clean layout over an inch of wasted paper any day.


--- Quote from: emre on February 27, 2012, 06:48:08 am ---John, In software development good communication is everything. That conversation might ended up with a result of nothing. Mostly your persistence and patience for delivering the information did it. From technical side that was not a big implementation but I think we handled an interesting case.

While evaluating a software people focuses on features and if there are lots of buttons, menus or settings they thinks that software is good. Features by themselves have no value. The important thing is what cases that software can handle. There are lots of software filled with awesome features but %80 of it implemented without thinking the full case and when user tries to use these features together in real life it simply doesn't work as expected.

Lots of development teams does this mistake. Thinking about nice features is simple but generally it ends with no real value. Thinking about cases is harder and needs more time but when people contributes like John did, it generates great value. Technically we only added a department selection feature for terminals and added about 40-50 lines of code. Any developer can do that. Understanding the need is our real job. I hope every restaurant owners focuses on their cases instead of the features they think they'll need.

John thank you very much again for investing your time for that great result.

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I have no problems in investing my time into the SambaPOS project, because I believe in the project.


We have put the system into production, and have found a bug in the WPR around the Cash & Credit Card sales between departments.

The Restaurant was the only one to receive payment by Credit Card, yet this was added to the Bar Income. And there was $30.30 in cash mis-allocated to the Bar.

Please see the attached WPR. I can supply the DB if needed.

Yes, I'll be happy to investigate DB..

Update:I think I found the problem. When a bar customer wants to pay with credit card does Restaurant department settles bar tickets? As I see in code that can only happen when a bar ticket settled with credit card. I thought I avoided that by disabling Settle button but I think I forgot disabling fast payment buttons. If credit card payments can only made through restaurant department it looks like we should support cross payments too. But If we support that another problem arises because we should display this ticket as a restaurant cross sale because it paid at restaurant. Hmm.


The Restaurant has taken orders, then the customers have gone to the Bar and gotten drinks which were added to the Table ticket. Then at the end of the meal the customer has paid for all at the Restaurant with Credit Card.

--- Quote from: emre on March 05, 2012, 08:23:47 am ---Update:I think I found the problem. When a bar customer wants to pay with credit card does Restaurant department settles bar tickets?

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Not normally, but yes they can.

--- Quote from: emre on March 05, 2012, 08:23:47 am --- As I see in code that can only happen when a bar ticket settled with credit card. I thought I avoided that by disabling Settle button but I think I forgot disabling fast payment buttons.

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You can not settle a ticket outside your own terminal department. ie, For the Bar to settle a Restaurant ticket, they need to settle in the Bar department on a Bar terminal. All payment buttons will be disabled if they try to settle using the Restaurant department on a Bar terminal.

--- Quote from: emre on March 05, 2012, 08:23:47 am ---If credit card payments can only made through restaurant department it looks like we should support cross payments too. But If we support that another problem arises because we should display this ticket as a restaurant cross sale because it paid at restaurant. Hmm.

--- End quote ---
You are correct. A cross sale technically happens when one department receives money on behalf of another department.

The cross sales are working great for the items, its just the payment side that needs fixing.


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