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Print Jobs Based on Users

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Update - I can reproduce the problem with payment allocation, and have found that it is to do with merging tickets.

If you have an active Restaurant table and add Bar items by selecting the table first then the items - all OK at payment time.
If you select the items and then select the table, you get the ticket merged message, then when you settle, the payment is allocated to the Bar.

I reproduced this by

Start new Work Period
Make 1x cash Bar sale
Take Restaurant order and assign to a Table
Select Bar items and then select the Restaurant Table (Merged Msg)
Settle at Restaurant.
Check WPR.

I will check with 2.88c shortly.

Update - Confirmed fix in 2.88c - after short testing, I was unable to reproduce the issue. All payments allocated correctly.

Good work Emre.


Is it possible to get the Account Balance total (from Incomes) into the separate Department Income totals aswell?


--- Quote from: JohnS on March 06, 2012, 01:20:29 am ---Emre,

Is it possible to get the Account Balance total (from Incomes) into the separate Department Income totals aswell?

--- End quote ---

I have to check implementation but I think it is possible.

John, while checking it I realized that was something missed.

If everything works fine I'll refresh translations and release 2.89 tomorrow.


It's been a hectic day with work and moving house. I haven't had a chance to test the new version yet. I'll look at it in the morning when I'm more awake.

The pilot site has been working well since installed last Saturday. The staff have accepted SambaPOS with open arms, and we even used an iPad for table service at a function and it was a great success. The staff loved that the table service tickets would print at the bar so they could gather the drinks and deliver to the tables in a fast and smooth manner.

Even the guests commented on the high level of service and the "High Tech" approach to the table service which usually (at most venues) is handled in a poor manner.

The Restaurant owner couldn't be happier, and he loves the simplicity of the system. He has used other systems in the past, some good and some not so good. He now wants to use an iPad for table service like they used in the function room.

Overall a great success.

In a little over 8 weeks, we have made some amazing updates to SambaPOS and have put it thru some tough scenarios with great results.

Thank you to Emre and the SambaPOS Team.


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