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Testing translation

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In Samba.Localization which part of the source code initializes all available translations?  I have translated SambaPOS to another language but I couldn't find a way to get it working. I have already created the resource file. When I build Samba.Localization the dll the translation is compiled to a resource file in obj folder but not a dll in bin or obj folder.

Hello polymorpher. Can you check this ? http://forum2.sambapos.org/index.php/topic,25.msg158.html#msg158

Hello emre, I followed the steps but the dll file for my language was still not generated (tested in both debug and release). In addition, There were nothing available to choose in Local Settings -> UI Language


--- Quote ---The last required step is adding "da" to SupportedLanguages list in LocalSettings.cs file.
--- End quote ---

Did you added the language code in SupportedLanguages list?

I did. (Samba.Infrastructure -> Settings -> LocalSettings.cs)


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