Finally I've succeeded on creating tickets with V3

I finished infrastructural improvements and from now on we can continue its development together. So I've published it for friends who wants to help us on V3 development by testing or coding.
Please keep in mind this is only an alpha release and there are lots of bugs.
Do not use alpha releases on production environments.What's New?* Accounting module: On V3 Customers are accounts.
* Order Tags: Replaces V2 Gift and Void buttons. We'll use it for modifiers too.
* Calculation Templates: V2 service templates. This one supports discounts too. If button header given it will add buttons to Payment screen. It also contains account mappings.
* Payment Templates: Payment Buttons and account mappings.
* Ticket Templates: Account mappings of tickets and other mapping features.
Known Issues: * Validations not finished for new modules so do not delete used records.
* Reports may create wrong results.
* Some reports won't work.
* Some features won't work

* Alpha releases won't upgrade database so you'll loose past data on next alpha releases.
Basic Roadmap:* First of all I'll translate all V3 issues to English on Github website and we'll continue development through github issues. So new features, bug fixes will become trackable.
* Some V2 features does not exists on V3. We'll implement all missing features.
* We'll hunt bugs for a stable V3
* We'll migrate translations from V2 and update missing strings.
* We'll create migration application from V2
* Continue development of new V3 features.
What do I need ?I released it only for demonstrating new features. I'm still making infrastructural changes. For now you can evaluate new features for getting familiar with them and share your thoughts on how can we benefit from new features. I'll release new alpha soon.
That's all for now. I'll add more information as asked...