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How can we display old tickts?


there is permission to all displaying old tickets, but in the programs there is no option for that
how can we view old tickets for example tickets for last week?

and in inventory reports, why the inventory items are not affected by the selling of the POS items
when we set new recipe, and there are items in the inventory, can we get the remaining items in inventory in the reports?


Look at attached screen shots. Is this what you want


PS Press refresh to see tickets

yes thank u Edgar,
what about the inventory items, how can I know the remaining amount?
Are there any reports to show me that?


I don't used inventory, but there is an Inventory Report under Reports on the Dashboard.
And you also have Manage -> Products -> End Of Day Records.

Hello. For enabling inventory tracking you'll create inventory items for each inventory you need to track. You'll map products with inventory items by creating recipes. You'll do it for every inventory items you need to track even it one to one maps with product. For example if you have a product named Coke, you'll have an inventory item named Coke too and you'll create a recipe for mapping Coke product for Coke inventory. If you want to track all bottle drinks from a single inventory item you'll create a recipe for each bottle drinks and map them to a single inventory card.

Finally you'll create transaction documents for adding items to inventory.

You can find more information under this topic.


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