English Boards > Support

Fiscal Printer


Hey guys,
I'm very glad that I can help you with translations. More will come when I will have more time  :D

Here where I live is an obligation to use fiscal printer when you have bigger income. And since are all of fiscal printers here too much expensive, I wanted to know if SambaPOS supports this funcionality?


Hi Ondra,

Having looked using Mr Google, I take it a fiscal printer stores all printed transactions within the printer memory?

If so, should it make any difference to a normal printer?

Sorry I don't know more because we just use a normal receipt printer.


Hey Ondra thank you for the translations again. You can update strings whenever you have free time. I'll update when you make changes.

We don't support fiscal printers yet. We can technically we can support these devices but because of the legal reasons this is not a simple task. I don't know how local laws in countries rules that.

Hi Edgar and Emre,
fiscal printer works that all printed recieps are stored in printers' memory.
I don't want to use it but the law here says that I have to or I will be persecuted by tax athorities  :D
If you decide that is valuable for you to make SambaPOS works with FP I can provide information of my accountant.



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