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printer temlate help

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Thanks John


--- Quote from: JohnS on February 26, 2012, 01:20:54 am ---Mozhi,

Here is the footer template for my receipt printer template (photo of actual receipt attached)

[<J00>Total Gift|{GIFT TOTAL}]
<J01>Total|${TICKET TOTAL}
<J00>Change Due|${TICKETTAG:Change Due}
<C10>T H A N K    Y O U

Tax Details & Service details are pre-formatted and do not require any format tags like <J>
Square brackets around a complete line means do not show if tag is empty (no value or 0)

When you play with the ticket tags you haven't used before, don't use any formatting, just test print, then apply formats as required to get the desired layout.

--- End quote ---

Hi John,
Could you show Line Template as well, please?
I can't get them aligned when 2 digits quantity or when the price each line have more digits.
For Example:

--- Code: ---1x Tea               1.25 1.25
10x Tea             1.25 12.50

--- End code ---


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