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Exporting a configuration?

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Bryan Winter:

First off, i want to say to the developers, hats off to this program. What you guys do is awesome, and providing support like you do is even more awesome. I spent days trying to find the right program for a bar and grill i want to start next year, and Samba Rocks!

Now i'm pretty computer savy, but i haven't really messed with databases to much. Basically we don't have any POS equipment yet, and I am just playing with set up at home to try and get it configured the way we would like. We meet at the home of one of our other partners, and Id like to be able to export all the settings I've done thus far so i can demonstrate to them what we can do with it, and take their suggestions to making it work the way we want.

Anyways, long story short is their a file i can copy or a way i can export my current configuration so i can make it portable to a different computer? Can i just copy the entire directory?

Bryan Winter:
Never mind. I bothered to read some tech notes and figured it out. Thank you!


Welcome to SambaPOS.

This subject has popped up a few times as you have found.

Compact SQL is the easiest if you are running a single development terminal as you only need to copy the SambaData2.sdf file.

If you are running multiple terminals, then you need SQL Express, which is two files to copy or you can use SambaPOS Training mode to create a Compact SQL file and copy that to demo on a single terminal.

Hello John,
I have read your post about SQL Compact is for a single terminal and SQL Express is for multiple terminals. Why Compact SQL is not suitable for multi terminals? All terminals in SambaPOS do not talk directly to the database server. I know that SQL Compact is a derivative product from Windows CE/Mobile. But in our SambaPOS application, only the SambaPOS Server makes the connection to the database server by using the connection string. When any terminal needs a database service, it requests the data from SambaPOS Server. So that only one database connection is being used by SambaPOS network.


Firstly, there is no SambaPOS server, only the computer that hosts the database file, and this computer does not even need SambaPOS installed on it.

When using SQL Express, each terminal runs SambaPOS locally and connects to a central database hosted by one computer running SQL Express.
With Compact SQL, each terminal has its own local database, but can use network printers.

Compact SQL was designed for single user applications - while it can handle multiple connections, it is only from the one user/local machine. It is a standalone database engine.

Compact SQL is NOT a network SQL Engine.


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