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Terminal App - Modifiers & Ticket Numbers

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With the Terminal app I have found that the Modifiers work well (including counts), but when you select X, the Modifiers are removed, but the screen is not updated until you close out of Modifiers.

Can we have the Ticket Number show at the top of the screen from when you select New Ticket/Table, not just after selecting an existing Table. What this gives us is the ability to take orders in a queue, and issue ticket numbers to customers, so when they reach the counter the order has already been taken which saves time, or if you plan for these rushes, have the orders processed and ready for the customer to collect & pay at the counter when you call out the ticket number.

Hello. I've uploaded 2.88a for SQL CE Upgrade fix and that will fix that X button issue too.

I don't think creating a new ticket number before saving a ticket will be possible. Maintaining unique ticket numbers across network has some limitations. When we request a new ticket number we should use it. If user exits without creating a ticket that will waste that number.

Maybe we can do the same thing with that little trick.
This is about printing the counter but it will display that number as a ticket tag too.


--- Quote from: emre on February 28, 2012, 08:25:00 am ---Hello. I've uploaded 2.88a for SQL CE Upgrade fix and that will fix that X button issue too.

--- End quote ---
Thank you.

--- Quote from: emre on February 28, 2012, 08:25:00 am ---I don't think creating a new ticket number before saving a ticket will be possible. Maintaining unique ticket numbers across network has some limitations. When we request a new ticket number we should use it. If user exits without creating a ticket that will waste that number.

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Using a Pole Display is wasting numbers then. Every time the Pole Display updates it increments the Ticket Number. Order Number is unaffected. This must be due to the fact the Pole Display uses print jobs to display info.

--- Quote from: emre on February 28, 2012, 08:25:00 am ---Maybe we can do the same thing with that little trick.
This is about printing the counter but it will display that number as a ticket tag too.

--- End quote ---
Could just print the Bill too. My logic was more like you have a queue of people and you can walk along the line taking orders, then the customer pays when collecting the order.


--- Quote ---Using a Pole Display is wasting numbers then. Every time the Pole Display updates it increments the Ticket Number. Order Number is unaffected. This must be due to the fact the Pole Display uses print jobs to display info.
--- End quote ---

Every print job execution shouldn't increase ticket number. I have to check and correct this behavior. Most probably there is a bug.

--- Quote ---Could just print the Bill too. My logic was more like you have a queue of people and you can walk along the line taking orders, then the customer pays when collecting the order.
--- End quote ---

Yes I think this is a great idea. I just wanted to give an example about creating a global counter that daily resets. While creating a new ticket we'll see this number under ticket so instead of printing we can just tell the customer their order number. This is what we can't do with ticket numbers. Yes I can assign a ticket number as soon as we create a new ticket and that will make lots of things easier for me because I need to check everywhere if there is a ticket number or not. This time I'll only assign it on ticket creation and forget the rest. But I'll prefer using tags instead. I know there will be a problem with finding tickets by its order tag but maybe we can find a great solution for this.


--- Quote from: emre on February 28, 2012, 07:26:41 pm ---Every print job execution shouldn't increase ticket number. I have to check and correct this behavior. Most probably there is a bug.

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it only happens on my terminal that runs the pole display, and the pole display rules have a condition to only execute if it's POS02, so they do not execute on any other terminal. So I believe it's related directly to the pole display scripts.

--- Quote ---While creating a new ticket we'll see this number under ticket so instead of printing we can just tell the customer their order number.

--- End quote ---
Wow. Most of our customers can't remember what to order, let alone an order number :)
I think if you plan on using this method like I descibed, then a wireless portable printer may be the best solution.


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