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Terminal App - Modifiers & Ticket Numbers

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--- Quote ---Wow. Most of our customers can't remember what to order, let alone an order number
I think if you plan on using this method like I descibed, then a wireless portable printer may be the best solution.
--- End quote ---

Umm I think I'm missing another great idea here. By displaying the ticket number while creating a ticket I thought you planned telling customer their ticket number. What was your intention with "issuing ticket numbers to customers" ?

Some restaurants prints order numbers and displays completed orders on big displays. Since customers does not wait on queue for their orders there won't be a long queue.
I think taking orders while customer in queue and trying to prepare it until customer reaches to till is something different. We should work on this idea. Can't we do it without using printers? For example using pre-printed order cards and entering that number (or scanning a barcode) while receiving the order might be an alternative.


--- Quote from: emre on February 28, 2012, 08:19:36 pm ---Umm I think I'm missing another great idea here. By displaying the ticket number while creating a ticket I thought you planned telling customer their ticket number. What was your intention with "issuing ticket numbers to customers" ?

--- End quote ---
When you take the customers order, you give them a card with the order number written on it.
You can either tell them to wait for the number to be called out, then collect and pay. Or when they get to the counter, give the operator the card and the operator pulls up the order, grabs the items, and collects the money.
This solely depends on your type of business, but is mostly fast food oriented. This helps with busy periods as you can prepare more food based on the orders, without too much extra delay.

Our local morrisons gives a laminated card with a number when you pay. The number is displayed clearly on a table. When a order is delivered the card is  collected and then reused for another customer.


You just described the other scenario I was thinking of :)

That may help with my first scenario. We could do the same thing with the customers in the line. Because both our ideas deal with a lack of table numbers, we need another way to adapt to the way business is done.

Now I thought of ticket tags for recording the numbers (similar idea as Emre's daily order number tickets) and that works for calling out numbers or to find a number on a table.

But how do we call up an order given that number. SambaPOS uses ticket numbers, tables or customer names. Is there a way of also showing a ticket tag on open tickets? The only reference we have is if we print the number on the kitchen/receipt ticket, then we can back reference to the open ticket in POS, but this still doesn't help when a customer gives us a daily order number. You can't go looking thru open tickets - not very practical.

Hang on, why can't we use table numbers. They don't have to be physical tables, but virtual ones - after all it is only a number. You will either use designated table numbers (restaurant) or assign them like Edgar (cafe). We can do the same with taking orders in a queue, and once the order has been fulfilled we recycle the numbers.

Edgar, will that work for you?

OK. So it is time to try another SambaPOS feature called "default ticket tags".

Create a new ticket tag called "Order" and fill it with sub-tags from 1 to 30. Assign it to a department and on department settings select "Terminal Default Ticket Tag" as "Order" and leave "Terminal Table View" empty. Now while using terminal application clicking "New Ticket" button will ask for a tag and if there is an open ticket assigned to tag it will be displayed as red.

If we assign same tag as default ticket tag for POS:
- On fast food screen clicking "Order" button will display buttons for tags and clicking a unused tag will automatically create a new ticket with that tag number.
- If there is no department type selected tag view becomes the default view.


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