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Half of pizza

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Hey guys,
I'm really enjoying spending time on this forum.

Here in Brazil I have the pizzaria. I just wondered if there was discovered way how to mark pizza with two flavors.
For example:
customer orders big pizza half of Four cheses and half of Margherita.
I need to find an efective way to work with these in Reciepts.

Any sugestion?



One suggestion would be to use Portions. By default your would have Small, Medium & Large. Just add one more for Half Big. So you select the flavor then select Half Big, select the second flavor then Half Big.

Or another way is to create a Big Pizza product and have the flavors as modifiers. I like this way better as it shows up as one pizza with the flavors listed under it.

hi John/Emre,
When we add modifier group and select both single selection and multiple selection, we are able to add only one modifier at any time and the price is also not getting reflected?

But when we select only Single selection/ only multiple selection for a modifier Group, then it is working fine
Are they designed to be used as mutually exclusive events or Am i doing something wrong?


- Single off/Multiple off - All modifiers can be selected - no quantities, just toggle on/off for each modifier
- Single on/Multiple off - Only one modifier can be selected
- Single off/Multiple on - All modifiers can be selected, repeated selection increases modifier quantities
- Single on/Multiple on - Single selection, and no price update - there is no logic to have this combination

Thanks John for your great explanations as always :)


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