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Hello evail
On next release I'll try to improve features as you suggested.
Adding most used items shorcuts to main management screen might be a nice feature.


--- Quote ---How is the "Average Cost" in "Cost Report" calculated?
--- End quote ---

Hi again :) I missed this question evail sorry

On each end of day documents we calculate average cost from previous workperiod average cost, in period consuptions and transactions. If you change "Current Inventory" value for an inventory we distrubute weighted cost to all products that uses this inventory in its recipe.

Hi there,

There is one more important feature than you can add. Probably should, that is end of day sales. Where you count the amount in cash drawer and check whether it matches that of the cash showed in sambapos. it will take in to account the cash at the beginning, sales (excluding cash card sales) and payouts. When counting cash individual Cash Notes count can be entered, for example cash notes of 100 count and cash notes of 50 count.

Clearing the selected items when entering sales is kind of difficult since we have to select individual item and press "cancel".

Cannot remove discount % once added to the bill.

Report of Average Serve times.

Ability to maintain Accounts like Rent, electricity bill,etc. These are external to the cash drawer. I am confused about the "Internal Accounts" in "Report".

Keep up the good work :D

edit: What is "Property Group"?

Hello evail.

- While starting a work period you can enter beginning cash values. These values are visible on cash reports.
- Tracking notes sounds is a little bit micro management to me. We do not argue micro management requirements and we know there are lots of requirements like these. But these features might not be useful for everyone and they should not displayed to user if they do not use them. For this reason as 3.x release we'll focus more on plugin and extension development. I think if we can make SambaPOS development easier for other developers they can create useful features like these and we can focus on core features.
- We are planning awesome features for tracking and reporting workflow. Meal preparation workflow or delivery workflow (or any similar workflow) should be configured as restaurants needs and we'll create tools for analysis and optimization.  This is in our plans and I believe it will be useful for tracking average serve times too.
- Add %0 discount to remove discount (or click discount button once without typing a value :) )
- I can't think of an easier function for clearing items other than selecting them and pressing cancel. Did I misunderstood your need?
- Internal accounts useful to separate customer accounts with accounts for personnel or owner accounts (in our country restaurant owners and their friends do not pay :) ). Current accounting features are only for tracking customer accounts but we'll improve accounting function on 3.x release. For example we'll permit creating multiple cash drawers and attaching them to individual cash accounts. So you'll be able to create external accounts.
- Property group is group of product properties or modifiers like "meal properties (no mushroom, no pepper)", "servicing properties (hot serve, double spoon)" . When you create a property group you'll attach them to a product and when you click on a product in a ticket you'll be able to change its properties. There are some options on screen menu item properties to automatically display properties on addition or choosing default properties. With properties you can also create menus (hamburger + coke + potato) and change menu items (coke > fanta) while adding it to a ticket. We also use it for choosing ice cream toppings (2 x Vanilla, 1 x Chocolate) or similar priced multiple items under a product menu like menu sausages (2 x ketchup or 2 x salad dressing)

Wow it seems there are lots of things to do. Maybe SambaPOS users can help us on spreading the word so we can grab more attention to our project.

Evail, keep sending your great ideas so we can arrange our plans better. Thanks.

Morning Emre,

-I think I have misstated what I was trying to say regarding the end of day sales. What I was trying to say is since shops, restaurants do count their cash at the end of day, just so to make it easier for them, have a entry like below. This is taken from QuickBooks POS. Well its not a must to use it but having this function is useful.

- :o so there was an easier way to remove discount.

- If the user entered many items and wanted to cancel it without saving, the user will have to cancel each and every item selected one by one. Maybe just having a button to clear all maybe useful.

-So group properties can be pre-created modifiers or can be combo meals.

Since you have talked a lot about sambapos 3.x release. When is it going to be released? I am already excited  :D
Somehow its sad that sambapos is free, i cant become sole distributor :D
Its fair to let you know that I am a re seller of POS softwares and Accounting softwares varying from different ranges.
I am making a little proposal document in order to do a little bit marketing for sambapos, I will be happy to share that document with you.

Testing software and giving feedback is something i love to do.
I did test a restaurant pos before but their corporation was so low that i quit.
You guys are great. Good luck.

edit: Is it possible to included vendors when entering purchases?
edit1: How does the "rounding" work?


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