English Boards > Support

Receipt / Invoice Printing

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Okay, I feel real stupid and I know this is something really simple that I am missing....

I have 3 Printing Templates, Bill Printing, Kitchen Printing & Invoice Printing.

But for some reason I am unable to get it to print the Invoice/Receipt after the transaction is closed (Cash received). Bill printing and kitchen work like a breeze, what as I missing?


In the print jobs (Manage -> Settings -> Print Jobs) for receipt & invoice you need to select Auto Print After -> Ticket Paid and select the payment types, ie Cash, Credit Card and/or Voucher.

Thanks for the quick reply, that is what I have done, but no luck. I get no error, nothing, just a flat ignore from the printer, lol

Have you set Printing Content to All Lines in the print jobs?

Are you using different printers or the same printer?

Yip, set to print All Lines (Please see screenshot for settings)

I want to use the same printer as the Bill Printer, just different formats.


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