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Sales Tax Reports

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ok for the future (although I like the "Tax included in price" feature. But, How can I get jan & feb sales tax? I am familiar with MS SQL to query, but need to know which table(s) to look in.


You can select the date range for the Work Period Report to give you total figures for 1-Jan-2012 to 29-Feb-2012.

Apparently, since I have the 'Tax included in Price' checked, the tax wil not show up on my reports for previous sales (or will it?)

I can change this for all taxed items for the future, but how can I retreive tax for previous months?

prism do you need to add taxes to item prices while printing tickets or display tax totals under ticket?

I'd like to do that as well for the customers sake, but I'm trying to get sales tax reports so I can pay my State Sales Taxes based on my sales.



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