English Boards > Support

Change Seating after orders placed

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--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 06, 2012, 09:45:29 am ---Hmmmmm, I do not see the Change Table button and when I click on an item and select move nothing happens.

--- End quote ---
Make sure you have created Tables and Table Views (Manage -> Tables) so you can use them to assign tickets to.
Then when you select a Table, you can move the whole table to a new one, or move just a few items.

Yip, tables created .... see screenshot

Here you can see an ordered item with all the other option accept Change Table

Ok, do you have POS Table View set in your department (Manage -> Departments -> {your department name} -> POS Table View)

You need to select All Tables or at least one Table View to be able to Change Tables.

It also helps to have Deaprtment Type - A-la Carte set.

Okay, that did it .....

I understand that all these settings everywhere makes it very flexible, but good grief ... what else am I missing, lol

Thanks John!


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