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Add properties to modifiers

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Does "no" option decreases price? For example what happens when "no salami" and "more sausage" ?

--- Quote ---In Italy, especially the pizza you work a lot with the variants
--- End quote ---

Obviously :)

Exactly! Variants have a single screen, with buttons to choose whether to add or subtract to reduce ...

OK. I understood your situation. Adding toggle buttons for "no" and "more" states is possible but for "less" and "little" states you have to add additional buttons and that won't be practical for you. I'll search for a solution for prefixing modifiers with "less" or "little" words.

Just three prefixes, without, with, and soon. You could do this:
Add a check in the properties of the modifiers that allows these variants.
Qunado you put a product enters the screen of the modifiers, if you press a vonta dineta and green, that means more, you press it again and turns red, it means no, if you pressed a third time turns orange, it means little .

I can not find an alternative, I tried with the sub-m, to nothing. Does anyone know how to work around this problem? thanks


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