English Boards > Support

bar printer!


So I setup 2 terminals in the bar both of the print to a bar printer the way it works, the printer is in the back of the back where the ladies serve the drinks, and there are two ladies punching in her after beer after beer, my problem is when one lady comes and punch a beer, it prints and she gets the her, but when is time of the second beer, both the first beer and second appear on the print out. How can I avoid that if I only need the second beer to be printed? Thanks for this great software I'm just starting to set it up but looking good so far.

Hi Rhasce,

I no expert but I have noticed a setting in the print jobs that might solve your problem. Ensure that in the print job used to print that order that it only print the "New Lines Added To Ticket"

Manage -> Print Jobs -> [Select the print job you use for this]

Set "Auto Print After" to "New Lines Added To Ticket"

Hope it helps.


Additionally... Printing Content should be "Only New Lines"


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