Hello dear friends.
Meet Estevan
He is a little baby who got a recent cleft surgery. As you see he is in a great condition and he smiles.
You can read his full story here:
http://blog.watsi.org/post/37682159912/estevan-big-smileSambaPOS team supported this surgery through watsi.org with a little donation and we are happy to see him fine.
As some of you know we can't accept donations because of legal reasons in our country and we are trying to form a non-profit entity to be able to financially support our project.
Until we can do that maybe you can consider funding a medical operation listed on watsi.org. Watsi.org people are awesome. You can read more about them here:
http://watsi.org/aboutIn our culture there is a nice proverb. It says:
"Your left hand should not see what your right hand gives."
That means charity should be a secret.
For this reason I'm a little ashamed just because I'm announcing it. Everyday we are reading bad news about contradictions, wars and dying people for nothing. I thought supporting people who uses tech for good purposes may make our world a better place to live.
Thank you for reading this.