English Boards > Support

Item Sales Report - Long Product Names



We have found that with long product names (ie wines), the Item Sales Report is dropping the quantity and/or cost onto new lines for all products, making the report longer than needed - in some cases 3 times longer.
Just one long name causes formatting issues when printing. On screen report will wrap the Product Name and display correctly.

Is there a way to truncate or wrap the Product Name to avoid this from happening?

Hello, I've recently uploaded 2.90. I've changed how reports translates to text and that new implementation should truncate long names for fitting report to "chars per line" setting.

That release also contains some fixes we recently talked about or reported.

- Error after adding new items to a ticket and merging it with another ticket without closing it.
- Divide by zero error while calculating costs if inventory drops below zero.
- Null object error if printer name is wrong and printer type is text printer.
- Double caching issue.
- Crash when deleting a department assigned to a printer map.

+ Italian language updated.


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