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Sale of "no stock" items

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Hmmmm, not sure what to call this so let me explain.

We are also selling airtime/credit for Pay-as-you-go mobile phone providers. This is stored in the till more for save keeping then anything else. All money for this are kept separate and does not form part of our sales as in food. Is there a way I could add it to the product list but have it listed separately on the sales reports. This way I can still operate it via the terminal and track the sales and yet not have it included in the sales figures?

So, Can I add the airtime/credit as a product but have it shown in the reports separate like the Tips are shown?

Sound complicated so I hope you get what I mean, lol

Just an update to see if I can put in simpler.

I need to sell items but need to display the total sales of that item seperatly in the sales reports like for example the Tips are shown.


You can create an additional department and create a separate menu for that department. In work period report you'll see all totals (sales & payments) by department too.


--- Quote from: emre on March 13, 2012, 06:57:35 am ---You can create an additional department and create a separate menu for that department. In work period report you'll see all totals (sales & payments) by department too.

--- End quote ---

Hmmmm, did not think of that .... Thanks .... was almost rebuilding my whole system around tags to try and figure that out!

I tried the different department option but I am unable to add items/products from different departments on the same ticket?


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