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Help - printer problem?

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Hello stubby.. Thank you for screen shots.
Why did you decreased "Line Character Count" to 32 on first screen shot ? Does your printer prints 32 chars wide? If you didn't changed it intentionally default value should be 42.

For example
"Thank you for dining at Stubby'sl "
line exceeds 32 chars.
We try to fit product names but these fixed lines migth be the reason of the problem.

Update: I've checked your printer specs. It looks like it supports both 32 (font a), 42 (font b) chars printing. Alternatively you can try switching it to Font B and change 32 with 42.

FYI - we finally found the problem, and it had nothing to do with Samba. Apparently, I had two devices (the printer and a router) with two identical power supplies, except one was 12v and the other was 24v. I had the wrong one plugged into the printer and, because the printer had lights and power I couldn't tell, but with the wrong voltage it couldn't print.

Hmm, really hard to figure out what is going on :)

to anyone that has this problem its because your restaurant name on the template header is to long this will generate this error


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