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Re-open a closed/cashed ticket

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I understand your reasoning behind and I am not in disagreement.... This was just a function I saw with most commercial POS systems and was just asking if it was possible in this one too. Was not asking to change items on the ticket, just wanted to fix the payment method ;)

I will just be fun to hunt down these errors if the cashier did not realize that the mistake was make, lol

PS: I do not like using the pin, awaiting the fingerprint scanner function ;)

I was just thinking regarding the fingerprint scanner! Well, I know we have a bar scanner built in already,but I haven't use it yet since there is no need for me to use it. Is it possible to implemented to login using the bar scanner? I know some office use a bar code id printed on their name card to login and to enter the office building. Well, just an alternative idea that I think would be cheaper than to buy fingerprint scanner.
Just my 2 cent!


If you print user pin code on a card as a barcode you can use barcode scanner based card readers. Any scanner that sends user pin code as keyboard strokes will work on login screen. If we can configure a fingerprint scanner (or other scanners) to send my pin code when it reads my fingerprint, I can login both using that scanner or typing my pincode.

What should the workflow be if someone accidently cashes off a bill?

Am I correct that the staff would have to re-enter all the info, and then a manager would have to void off all the items?  Otherwise the sales figures will be incorrect when looking at reports for stock.

edit: I understand this is going to be something in V3?

I would tend to agree with JohnS and Emre until you started actually processing credit cards through Samba. Then you'd want a way to just void the charge as opposed refunding. My reasoning is while JohnS and Emre's way is more secure it would create unnecessary activity on the credit card.


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