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Restart of terminal

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Just a small something I picked up. I came in this morning and started the work day on the server. The terminals were left in logged out state over night. About 45min after I started the work day on the server I went to log in on terminal and the work day was not active on it, I had to exit SambaPOS and start it up again.

It is not a big issue, I just don't want my staff stop and start the POS every day.


Do your terminals go to sleep after a period of time? If they do then its lost connection to the server.

Nope, no sleep, just screen saver ... just the boss trying to get some sleep ;)

Does your server get turned off or go to sleep?

It sounds like a loss in connectivity between your terminals and the server, and when the terminals log back in, they are using the last cache of the database which is hours old.
I find this more when staff leave terminals logged in, and an Administrator ends the work period (which is a forced end). I tell the staff to logoff and exit each terminal every night to avoid this problem.

Nothing goes in sleep or hibernation mode, but I guess the best is to have a new start every day.



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