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Discount Reason & Value

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--- Quote from: jenem on March 22, 2012, 11:12:16 am ---Sorry to hijack thread, but I was looking at discounts. I couldn't find a action or rule to select one item for discount. I tried to discount one item at settle payment screen but discounts only apply to whole ticket amount. What would be ideal is to select an item line and discount that item.


--- End quote ---

Hello Edgar nice to hear from you again :)

We can't apply line based discounts. You'll either change item price manually or use price tags for changing prices automatically while adding an item.
There is a short description here:
If you need something like that we can talk about it.

Hi Emre,

I have been busy and I Haven't looked at Sambapos recently. I also purchased a Ardruino uno microcontroller and have been playing with that!!

My brother is waiting for the end of the tax year April to April in the Uk, before implementing Sambapos.

He currently runs a system wheras a card gets stamped and on the eighth stamp the cardholder gets a free drink. SambaPos was fine with that I just used the gift setting.

He now wants to implement a system where the card holder get 50% off a coffee or tea on the fourth stamp.

What would be a good idea (to me anyway) is to be able to offer a item discount with predefined reason (set up in management) as well as the Ticket Total discount on the settle screen.

Its not a deal breaker but maybe a rule or action could be implemented to act on selected ticket item which you then set up as you want.

By the way Emre, you have done wonders on Sambapos and you deserve success.


After a lot of help from the guys on the forum, again ..... and thanks, I got it working...... woop woop

For those who need the solution, here it is:

This is what I've done:

New Actions:

Action Name: Premium Member Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 10.0

Action Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 7.5

Action Name: No Discount
Action Type -> Add ticket discount
Discount Percentage: 0

Action Name: Remove Discount Tag
Action Type -> Update Ticket Tag
Tag Name: Discount

New Ticket Tag:

Ticket Tag Name: Discount
Do it after ticket selected: Refresh
Sub Tags: Telecom Thursday, Premium Member, No Discount

New Rules:
Rule Name: Premium Member Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? Premium Member
Actions: Premium Member Discount

Rule Name: Telecom Thursday Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? Telecom Thursday
Actions: Telecom Thursday Discount

Rule Name: No Discount
Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
Conditions: Tag Name = Discount
                   Tag Value ? No Discount
Actions: No Discount, Remove Ticket Tag

Add Discount ticket group to ticket tags in the relevant department you want to use it.

Just a quick question, why is it that when I rename the Ticket Tag from "Discount" to "Dis- count" it shop working? I just want it to write over 2 lines on the screen since it write the "t" on the next line now.

Same problem exists with "Select Customer" button too. Leave it as unchanged for now. I'll expand these buttons a little bit on next release.


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