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Should I add a Tag Value under rules, cos that did not help ... now no discount is calculated....


--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 22, 2012, 08:12:18 am ---Should I add a Tag Value under rules, cos that did not help ... now no discount is calculated....

--- End quote ---

Hello. What you need to do is checking tag value constraint in addition to tag name check. But there is a trick on tag value checking. Since the source value contains all current tag values you need to check that with contains operator (?) instead of equals operator.

For removing discount you can add another tag value and add 0 discount for removing discount. When that tag selected you can also remove current discount tag by adding a "Update Ticket Tag" action that sets Discount tag to nothing.


--- Quote from: emre on March 22, 2012, 10:05:51 am ---
--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 22, 2012, 08:12:18 am ---Should I add a Tag Value under rules, cos that did not help ... now no discount is calculated....

--- End quote ---

Hello. What you need to do is checking tag value constraint in addition to tag name check. But there is a trick on tag value checking. Since the source value contains all current tag values you need to check that with contains operator (?) instead of equals operator.

--- End quote ---

Thank emre, but you lost me at "Hello" already .... How should I do the tag value checking?

Sorry to hijack thread, but I was looking at discounts. I couldn't find a action or rule to select one item for discount. I tried to discount one item at settle payment screen but discounts only apply to whole ticket amount. What would be ideal is to select an item line and discount that item.



--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 22, 2012, 10:23:51 am ---
--- Quote from: emre on March 22, 2012, 10:05:51 am ---
--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 22, 2012, 08:12:18 am ---Should I add a Tag Value under rules, cos that did not help ... now no discount is calculated....

--- End quote ---

Hello. What you need to do is checking tag value constraint in addition to tag name check. But there is a trick on tag value checking. Since the source value contains all current tag values you need to check that with contains operator (?) instead of equals operator.

--- End quote ---

Thank emre, but you lost me at "Hello" already .... How should I do the tag value checking?

--- End quote ---

Sorry for the weak description :)


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