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Enabling Inventory

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Another question I have is, how do you adjust inventory, for example bread rolls, they are only fresh for one day ;)


--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 24, 2012, 04:59:06 am ---Emre, thanks the price definitions works great.

I did stumble onto another issue, 3 of the duplicate product I tried to delete gave the following error (see attachment) and then SambaPos crash.

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It says that menu item attached to a printer map. Does it make sense? If not I'll have to request another backup :)


--- Quote from: mozhi on March 24, 2012, 12:47:14 pm ---I was exploring on the inventory part today.
Is there a easy way to upload the inventory items and create the transaction document, like Adding products in a batch.

Do we have some sample  inventory items, recipes and Transaction Documents, just to understand the meaning of how we should enter the data into those tabs.

Thanks Guys :-

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Hello, There is no batch inventory item creation feature yet. When all configuration completes sambapos will automatically create transaction documents from periodic consumption on work period ends. When needed you'll correct inventory values before starting a new work period.

We have sample data but they are in Turkish. I can publish if it helps.

Aaah, thanks Emre .... it does make sense ;)


--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 25, 2012, 12:46:11 am ---Another question I have is, how do you adjust inventory, for example bread rolls, they are only fresh for one day ;)

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Hi, when work period ends SambaPOS generates a document called Transaction Document. If you decrease bread roll inventory to zero, SambaPOS will distribute the wasted roll's cost to products which contains rolls. We call that calculation as "weighted average cost distribution" :)

For example on day start you have 3 bread rolls in your inventory. During day you sold two of them with "meat balls" product. That means when workperiod ends your roll inventory becomes 1. If you manually decrease roll inventory to zero SambaPOS will calculate "meat balls" portion cost as 1.5 roll consumed on each portion. If you have more products sold that contains bread rolls it will distribute cost to portions by recipe weight.

It is extremely useful when calculating consumption of inventory items such as oil or similar inventory items. For example while creating recipes we define 10gr oil for salad but in fact we can't know the exact oil amount used for salad. If you update physical oil inventory periodically (for example once a week) SambaPOS will distribute oil consumption difference to all products that uses oil weighted by the amounts we define in recipes. That means a product that uses 30gr. oil will cost more than the product that uses 10 gr. of oil.

Ideally you'll have best results if you adjust physical inventory daily but this is not practical. We recommend frequent adjustment for items that costs more like meat or some special drinks.


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