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Enabling Inventory

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very nice .... I will start playing around with all this is due time ... adding inventory and recipes as I familiarize myself more with SambaPOS.

Thanks Emre

Back at the inventory ....
Okay, So I took stock of what I have, now I need to add the stock to the system.
Should I use Transactions since some of the stock are only a few left and purchased long ago. Or should I manually do the stock adjustment? If the stock adjustment, how and when can I do it, only after the end of 'n work period?

You'll use transaction documents for adding items to your inventory and you can create new transaction documents in work period. You can use it for adding your items on hand and you can enter an average cost.

You can only adjust inventory manually after ending a work period. This is useful for recording inventory difference when we count our inventory. So SambaPOS can understand which sales will be affected because of that adjustment. 


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