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kitchen orders

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Kitchen received orders grouped by courses but how they'll know when to serve? In this tutorial we'll implement Marching feature. The term "March" used in our country for defining next course serve. I don't know the exact term used in English. You may name it as you wish :)

We'll use another set of Ticket Tags for starting next course serve. When we choose a Marching tag it will automatically print a small note from Kitchen Printer for notifying them about upcoming serve.

We'll create Ticket Tags for triggering March notifications.

* Create a Ticket Template, Name it as "March"
* Create sub tags named as "Immediate Serve", "Serve in 5 minutes", "Serve in 15 minutes"
* Save it and include it in Restaurant Department.Printer Settings For March Notification
We need a print template for notifications. 

* Create a new Printer Template, Name it as "March Notification Template"
<L10>Table : {TABLE}

You can format it as you need...

Additionally we'll need a print job.

* Create a new Print Job, name it as "Print March Notification".
* Untick Close Ticket, Display at POS Screen,  Display at Payment Screen settings.
* Add a new mapping line
* Choose "Kitchen Printer" for Printer
* Printer Template will be "March Notification Template"Printing Notification
Action for Printing Notification

* Create a new action, name it as "Execute March Print Job"
* Action Type: Execute Print Job
* Print Job Name: Print March NotificationAction for Toggling Course Tag
We'll use this action for advancing Course Tag to next Tag.

* Create a new action, name it as "Toggle Course Tag"
* Action Type: Update Ticket Tag
* Tag Name: Courses
* Tag Value: Course 1,Course 2,Course 3,Course 4Hint: When we enter multiple tags separated with comma this action will cycle tag values on each call. If it gets called when Ticket Course Tag is "Course 2", ticket tag becomes "Course 3"

Rule for Printing Notification

* Create a new Rule, name it as "Print March Notification"
* Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
* Tag Name: = March
* Click Select Actions and choose "Execute March Print Job" at first and "Toggle Course Tag" will be the second. (hint: when a march tag selected it will first execute the print job and advance course tag to next value)Waiter will choose desired Course and click March for printing a notification. Courses tag will also advance to next tag...

Note: Gert J. Thank you for the backup :)

Hmmm, I thought that screenshot looked too fimiliar, hehehe

My pleasure Emre!

Great job, once again ;)


Love it!

Can we have two Item Tags? One for Course & one for Seat?

I have setup a Seat Ticket Tag and it appends to the Course (ie, [Course 1 - Seat 1], [Course 1 - Seat 2]), but the grouping on the Kitchen tickets will not be by Course alone, but also by Seat as the grouping is on the whole tag.

Could we use a separator in the Item Tag to designate first sort, second sort like [Course 1|Seat 1] for the grouping?

John, I'm asking to be ensure I'm understanding it right. You have no problem with handling tagging but you need to sort items properly while printing. Is it true?

Because we only have one Tag per item, both Course & Seat make that one Tag - No issues with adding extra info to the Tag, that was easy.
When you group to print, it will group by the whole Tag which will display (now I haven't fully tested every possibility and it should print but I can't get my receipt printer running under Win7 64Bit to test)

** Course 1- Seat 1 **
** Course 1- Seat 2 **
** Course 2- Seat 1 **

Whereas we need

** Course 1 **
    Seat 1 - Dish
    Seat 2 - Dish
** Course 2 **
    Seat 1 - Dish

So, is it possible to either have two Item Tags, or to have a separator that will allow the Tag to be sorted twice.

[Course 1|Seat1]
[Course 1|Seat2]
[Course 2|Seat1]

** Course 1 **
    Seat 1 - Dish
    Seat 2 - Dish
** Course 2 **
    Seat 1 - Dish

I don't beleive there is a need for more than 2 parts to an Item Tag. This should complete any requirements for a Restaurant and for table service for a Bar.


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