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kitchen orders

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--- Quote from: maozen on April 03, 2012, 07:28:53 am ---i'm feeling a little bit stupid......
i can't get get the march notification working.....

if i select an item from the order the march tag disappear,
if i select the march tag and choose something from the right tag window nothing happen...
if i select the march tag and after try to select an item from the order the tag window on the right will close....

in all cases nothing is printed....

I've checked many times actions rules print jobs etc. and look everything according to the tutorial... Where's my mistake?


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You'll first choose a Course Tag for defining active course and select a march tag for printing notification. Choosing a March tag should advance Course Tag to the next course after printing.
There might be a problem with Print March Notification print job mappings.

I'll try to create a sample sdf. as an example.


--- Quote from: JohnS on April 03, 2012, 09:43:19 pm ---Also, the March feature starts from the last Course selected, so you need to hit Course, then Course 1, then hit March.

--- End quote ---

On ticket close We may create additional action for setting up first course if march tag is empty or if sub march tags like "serve in 5 minutes" tag is not needed we may enter course names as march tags.

When you close a ticket you can't update any ticket tags, and the March tag is set by a local variable.

So you need to reset the Course Tag manually to Course 1 to start Marching :)

Found a bug with the order of the ITEM TAG. Infact I think its a Ticket Item bug.

Any products selected with a modifier is placed at the top of the items list on a ticket.

For Example, order entered as

Course 1 - 1 Doz Fresh Oysters
Course 2 - Barramundi & Salad
Course 3 - Garlic Bread
                         * 4 Slices

Kitchen Order and on screen ticket show

Course 3 - Garlic Bread
                         * 4 Slices
Course 1 - 1 Doz Fresh Oysters
Course 2 - Barramundi & Salid

PS - I have created a way for the March to start at Course 1 automatically.


--- Quote from: emre on April 04, 2012, 02:05:23 am ---
--- Quote from: maozen on April 03, 2012, 07:28:53 am ---i'm feeling a little bit stupid......
i can't get get the march notification working.....

if i select an item from the order the march tag disappear,
if i select the march tag and choose something from the right tag window nothing happen...
if i select the march tag and after try to select an item from the order the tag window on the right will close....

in all cases nothing is printed....

I've checked many times actions rules print jobs etc. and look everything according to the tutorial... Where's my mistake?


--- End quote ---

You'll first choose a Course Tag for defining active course and select a march tag for printing notification. Choosing a March tag should advance Course Tag to the next course after printing.
There might be a problem with Print March Notification print job mappings.

I'll try to create a sample sdf. as an example.

--- End quote ---

Thanks Emre!!
a sample will be great!!!
i really don't understand where's my mistake.... i've tryed many times......


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