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kitchen orders

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This feature is called "March" in our country. In some restaurants Chef Waiter tracks table status with eye and manually advances ticket to the next state. That prints a small note something like "March Course 2 for Table B24!" and waiters start to serve course 2. To be able to handle such cases I've implemented Order Tags feature for V3 but it might be possible for V2 too.

How can we group items by courses?
There is a hidden tag data stored for ticket items. I normally implemented it for storing promotion info with ticket items but it can be used for that purpose. To be able to expose that I've added two little features. One of them is "Update Ticket Item Tag" action and the other one is {ITEM TAG} placeholder for group templates.

How we'll tag items?
We can choose a ticket tag for activating a course, store that tag value as a setting and tag new orders with that setting on "Line added to Ticket" event . It will display tag next to price tag in square brackets.

How we'll march?
We'll need an additional print job here. User will change active course by choosing ticket tag and click "March" button for printing march note.

I'll test that and if everything works fine you'll receive it on next update.

Hi emre,

Thanks for your answer, i've also found a way for manage the courses using the gift option.

I've done in the following  way :

1) Create a Ticket Tag called "COURSES" or wathever you need and add how many sub tags as courses you need and call then "COURSE 1" "COURSE 2" "COURSE 3" and so on

2) create how many articles how many sub tags you created and call them  "COURSE 1" "COURSE 2" "COURSE 3" and so on

3) assignt them to the group "COURSES"

4) Edit all the department where you need to manage courses and the ticket tag you created

5) create so many actions as articles you created each action must be in this way :
       Actione Name : same name of the article you created EG "COURSE 1"
       Action Type : Add Ticket Item
       Menu Item Name : the article you created "COURSE 1"
       Gift : True

6) create so many rules as action you created each rule must be in this way :
       Rule Name : Same of the Action
       Event Name : Ticket Tag Selected
       Tag Name : "COURSES"
       Tag Value : the name of the sub tag you created EG : "COURSE 1"
       Actions : select the action with the same name of the rule you're creating EG: "COURSE 1"

6) Create a NULL PRINTER like explained in the previuos emre post

7) Modify the Gift Line Template in the Kitchen order template in the way you want the courses will be printed

8) Modify the print job for the bill as emre explained in the previos post with the only difference to select the product group you created instead of a single product. 

In this way works quite fine the only problem i'm having is that if the same product is ordered 2 times 1 time like first course and one time like second course they are printed togheter as 2 portions in the first course.

I've 3 doubt about the printer template

1) what's the use of the check box "merge lines" in my template is uncheked but lines seems be merged.
2) Whats the group template
3) it's possible to leave a blank line between two section or before/after each line?

Hope not forget nothing....
I'm testing this solution and looks works good but your solution looks better! waiting news!

Today we talked with Mehmet (my partner) about the case and created a setup. The main idea is similar to yours but I've tweaked some actions for better handling of the case. When I finish preparing the release I'll write a tutorial about it. Thanks.


OK. This tutorial uses most new automation improvements and while creating that setup I've remembered all people who helped me while building them. Thanks to everyone...

This is something we experienced even we started building SambaPOS. One of our restaurant customer requested our help about this topic and we tried to find a solution but their software was not flexible enough for their need. Today we tried it again with SambaPOS and succeeded on building a reasonable solution. You can configure it for your need.

The case is waiter receives order, groups them and serve them in that group order. We'll see how we'll handle this case..

Course Tags
First we'll need ticket tags for choosing groups. We'll call these groups as Courses. I created a ticket tag group, name it as "Courses" and added "Course 1, Course 2, Course 3, Course 4" sub tags. Added it to Restaurant Department. Now I'll have "Courses" button and when I click it I can select a course.

Storing Active Course
I have to store last selected Course Tag value somewhere so I can tag new ticket lines with that value.

Action for Storing Active Course Value

* Create a new action, Name it as "Save Course Setting"
* Action Type will be "Update Program Setting"
* Setting Name : COURSE
* Setting Value : [COURSE VALUE] (hint: we use variable here because we'll pass this value when ticket tag selected.)
* Update Type: Update
* IsLocal: TrueRule for Updating Active Course Value

* Create a new Rule, name it as "Update Course Tag Setting"
* Event Name: Ticket Tag Selected
* Tag Name: = Courses (Will work with only Courses tag)
* Click "Select Actions" and choose "Save Course Setting"
* Expand blue box with drop down arrow. Requested value from action appears. COURSE VALUE will be [Tag Value] (Hint: that means rule will pass selected tag value to save setting action)
Updating Ticket Item Tag
We'll configure ticket to tag Ticket Item with selected Courses Tag.

Action for Updating Ticket Item Tag

* Create a new Action, Name it as "Update Ticket Item Tag"
* Action type is : Update Ticket Item Tag
* Parameters: Tag = [Tag] (Hint: Again we'll receive that value from rule)Rule for Updating Ticket Item Tag

* Create a new Rule: Name it as "Update New Line Tag"
* Event Name: Line Added to Ticket
* Click select Actions and choose "Update Ticket Item Tag" action.
* Expand parameters Tag = {:COURSE} (Hint: This is a special typing for reading COURSE setting which we created with previous rule).You can create additional action and rule for updating new Ticket's Course Tag and Setting to "Course 1" automatically. So you won't select a tag for Course 1 orders after creating a new ticket. For keeping tutorial short I'll skip this part. If asked I can tell details.

At this stage order lines will be tagged with last Selected Order Tag value. You should be able to see tag values next to prices in square brackets.

Printing Orders in Groups
Grouping kitchen orders by Ticket Item Tag is easy. Just open Kitchen Orders Template and enter these values in Group Template:


<C00>: Creates a blank line
{ITEM TAG}: Prints Course Value. You can use <L11> for printing it bigger or write it as **{ITEM TAG}** for easier reading.
<F>-: Creates a full line with - character

End of first part...


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