English Boards > Support

2.92 Released!

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--- Quote from: CafeCuppio on March 28, 2012, 09:35:01 am ---I am so impressed with the mandatory modifiers, it is not even funny.... ;)

Thanks Emre & team

--- End quote ---

This is strange .... the mandatory modifiers were working great, today it is not working at all, no error also ???

Can anyone send a backup to info@sambapos.org ?
Thank you in advance...

send .... thanks

Thank you very much!!
"Sunrise Breakfast" worked fine. Can you remember the last item that didn't worked?

Aaaah, I found the problem .... If you click Close Ticket, it will not give you the popup message telling you to select a modifier, it only does it when you click the close button to close the modifier.


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