English Boards > Support

2.92 Released!

<< < (2/4) > >>

is what was missing! now you can say it's perfect!

I am so impressed with the mandatory modifiers, it is not even funny.... ;)

Thanks Emre & team

Also noticed that the text wrapping on the buttons are fixed too.... cool

Thanks Emre for providing such value additions to SAMBA.

The selection rEQUIRED fEATURE IS A VERY GOOD ADDITION TO THE MODIFIERS. Initially we used to write rules and actions to handle this.

I am facing a problem,
Initially when i made the configuration,it worked, but when i closed and opened SAMBA, it is not displaying that MessageBox.  The Selection Required box is ticked still. Can you pls check this once.

mozhi I couldn't reproduce that. Problem might be different. Can you give an example?


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