English Boards > Support



Hello there,i was just asking about how to use the barcoding function in samba??The whole procedure,do i create those codes on my own or they are generated in someway.Please help me


Welcome to SambaPOS.

Please don't take this the wrong way, but did you actually search the forum before posting all your topics.
Yes, V2 does not have much documentation in English (most documentation is in Turkish) as it was decided to focus on V3 English documentation, and to use the forum to support V2. There is a lot of info here if you spend time reading and experimenting with the examples posted.

There is a learning curve to SambaPOS, and you need to take time to learn and play with the features to really understand how it all works. SambaPOS is a POS solution that keeps evolving as newer features are added, but the basics stay the same.

Now, with barcoding you will usually use the barcodes on the products you sell like drinks, packets of food, etc. You can print your own barcodes with other software, but there really isn't a need if you sell products with a barcode on it. Food you prepare doesn't need barcodes, just select the item from the onscreen menu instead.

Hope this helps.


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