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Service template,Tax template,Price definition,Recipes,Modifier groups

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Yes you can. Create a "Guest Count" ticket tag, Handle "Ticket Tag Selected" rule and execute "add service template" action when Ticket Tag Value equals to 8.

That means instead of assigning service template to a department you'll activate it dynamically with "ticket tag selected" rule. By configuring additional rules you can assign different gratuity rates to different guest count values.

I still cannot get this to work:
Under Ticket Tags
# Guests with sub Tags from 1 through 10
Under Actions
"Add Cover" with Action of "Add Ticket Item", Menu Item of "Covers" and Quantity of [Cover Quantity]
"Large Group Charge" with Action of "Update Ticket Service Amount", Service Template of "Service Charge" and amount 5
Under Rules
Created "Large Group Charge" with Event of "Ticket Tag Selected", Tag Name "# guests", Tag Value >| 7, Action of "Large Group Charge"

When I select # Guests of 10, it should trigger the service charge but nothing is happening. Also we would like to have the service charge percentage setup in the server apply to the ticket.

You can try testing "Numeric Value" instead of "Tag Value"

I can't get Service Charge in percentage to work.
So far, I create
1. New Service called Service Charge, Calculation Method: Rate from ticket total, Rate: 0
2. Ticket Tag called Service Charge and Sub-Tag: 0.10, 0.20... ; Tag Type: Try both Price and Numeric
3. Add Service Template and Ticket Tag to department
4. Action Type: Update Ticket Amount, Service Template: Service Charge, Amount: [Service Charge Amount]
5. Rule, Event name: Ticket Tag Selected, Tag Name: = Service Charge, Action: [TagValue]

Thank you,


It works with these settings.
2.your sub tags should be 10,20,30 etc  and tag type= Numeric
4. Action type should be "Update Ticket Service Amount".

Anything else is correct


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