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Item Void & Stock Control


Just a quick question,

How does Stock Control handle stock when you Void an item?
Some items can still be used, some not?


When you void an item it does not decrease inventory. As you said when you void orders some inventory items can be used again or can't be used at all. Maybe you didn't started preparing it yet. Let me give some information about our idea.

Some programs handle it by recording wasted items but that approach assumes you (or your personnel) will have time to measure and record wasted items on servicing time. This is not practical. On the other hand the main reason of inventory waste is not voided items. Cook dropped and wasted half bottle of oil. Meat looses weight while cooking. If they wait too long you'll be able to create less portions. In most cases you can't know how much inventory wasted...

SambaPOS handles it differently. You'll record nothing. As you count and adjust inventories wasted items cost will distribute to portions which uses that inventory. That means when cook breaks half bottle of oil all portion's cost that uses oil increases relatively.

Thank Emre, I suspected that much, just was not sure.


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