Author Topic: Status Update!  (Read 15693 times)


  • SambaPOS Developer
  • Samba Team
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Status Update!
« on: May 22, 2012, 02:18:21 pm »
SambaPOS is the first open source restaurant pos application that directly aims users who wants to have better control on software and who wants to apply their business ideas easily. Besides most essential features we developed some new features such as ticket tagging, rules & actions, triggers, etc... to share our new ideas for the industry and I believe most people liked these.

When I first decided releasing SambaPOS as an open source application I had zero experience about open source development. One thing I've learned is it is extremely hard to do both development and support. I was lucky because great people helped us on answering questions, finding bugs, preparing docs and suggesting new features. I want to thank them again and again because without their support bringing V2 to that level was not possible.

Implementing a lot of new features for V2 delayed V3 development a little but V3 development still continues. These days I primarily write code for V3 and during that time my forum activity will decrease but I hope our experienced users will continue supporting us. I plan to release a new alpha version soon and after that release we'll talk more about future development.

« Last Edit: May 22, 2012, 02:35:26 pm by emre »